Promoting Diversity and Inclusion: Our People's Experience

 Malta Pride Week comes to an end today, and it marks an invitation to celebrate our diversity and ensure equality, fair opportunities and treatment to all humans. This year was special because Gozo held its first ever Pride March. 

At GO we celebrate our People’s uniqueness on a daily basis, and we are passionate and strive for equal opportunities for all in terms of employment, career growth and progression, learning and development and employee experiences. 

We celebrate our People’s achievements all year round and we stand allies whilst seeing them reaching their full potential. We allow them to be their whole shelves and we accept them for who they are, we strive to nurture a sense of belonging and to create camaraderie amongst colleagues, offer everyone challenging and meaningful work whilst also paying them fairly and giving them equal chances to grow. Needless to mention the companywide policies that preserve our team’s safety and offer gender neutral benefits, we encourage everyone to be themselves at work, and together we share our lives’ most important moments. 

This year we took the opportunity to speak to two of our amazing colleagues, to gain an understanding of what their experience at GO has been like.

Gabor has been working with our Retail team since March 2022, and Caroline who is currently part of our Digital team, joined GO in 2007. 

When asked about his experience at GO, Gabor said that it has been a fun one, due to the change from a calm and more relaxed country to the wildness, passion and hot temperament of the Maltese people. ‘I have amazing colleagues, a brilliant boss that is supportive and pushing, acknowledges her team, and is not afraid to set boundaries’ he shared with us. 

'I have learned a lot of new things and I am still learning every day because the place is ever changing. No day is the same as another, and it keeps me motivated and excited that GO offers me new and better challenges every time. This is not just a workplace for me, I feel that the team is like a second home and every day I am looking forward for a shift to begin’.

We’ve asked both Caroline and Gabor what diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) mean to them and why they’re important, and Caroline shared that:

‘Diversity in the workplace means acceptance and inclusion of employees of all backgrounds. A diverse workplace is an important asset, since it acknowledges the individual strengths of each employee and the potential they bring’. 

Gabor emphasizes that the ability to reach unity in diversity is one of the biggest challenges of all times. 

‘Whereas diversity refers to all the many ways people differ, equity is about creating fair access, opportunity, and advancement for all. It’s about creating a fair playing field and we all have that within GO, a place that does not differentiate between people, and treats them as business partners. The value that DEI brings to the company is simple; happy, positive, and productive employees who are family and friends, not only work mates’. 

We were curious to see how our people feel that GO is celebrating diverse ideas, and Gabor said that there are many different languages and cultures within GO. ‘That allows us to exchange ideas, experiences and knowledge, and share our culture’.

Caroline has been with us for nearly 15 years and has seen the company evolve, as she quotes, brilliantly. ‘We are happy to hear that GO is made up of people of different ages, races and ethnicities, abilities and disabilities, genders, religions, cultures and sexual orientations. Everyone is treated exactly the same at GO.’

Being an active member of the LGBTQIA+ community, Gabor shared with us that there were quite a few times he advocated for diversity and inclusion. 

‘I stood up for causes or for charity and I was always active supporting individuals or groups of people who were in need of support. I spent quite some time with young people needing of support whilst coming out and finding a place for themselves. I am still in touch with many of them, and I am happy when I see that they reached their potential and are living a happy life’. 

When asked about their message for this year’s Pride Week, Gabor’s message is simple: 

‘Be proud of who you are, be yourself, and don’t change for anyone who wants you otherwise. Stand up for your rights and be thankful you can walk with your partner in the street without being a subject of violence, or attacks. Keep the Stonewall riots in your memories because they led the way for freedom and acceptance’. 

Caroline says that we should keep calm in the face of difference, and ‘Live our lives in a state of inclusion and wonder at the diversity of humanity’.

At GO we firmly believe that celebrating a month or a week each year is not enough, if you wish to truly be an ally as an employer or even as an individual, you should promote inclusion and take action and speak up when you see inequality, violence or unfair treatment every day. 

Here’s a few things we feel will make our world a better place:

  • Learn more and educate yourself about the LGBTQIA+ community and work on your own bias. 
  • It is becoming more and more popular for people to share their pronouns, do the same if you feel comfortable and help your colleagues or leaders address you in the appropriate way. 
  • Through your role, facilitate members of the LGBTQIA+ community to be represented in all departments and functions.
  • Speak up if you see unfair treatment, inequality, or violence of any form.  

As Caroline said, ‘A diverse workplace is an inclusive environment that provides equal rights and opportunities for all workers, regardless of gender, colour, age, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and so on’.

At GO we adore our people for who they are, their passion to be part of our One Team, their Obsession about our Customers and for Acting Like Owners and bring our Purpose, to drive a digital Malta where no one is left behind, to life. We would have never been who we are if it wasn’t for our team and we are pleased seeing them lead happy, fulfilled, proud lives πŸ§‘

Don’t be afraid to show the world who you are! Love is love πŸ³️‍🌈

Have a look at our careers page and get in touch with us if you want to take your career to the next step by joining our star One GO Team! 

For GO products and services, visit our official website or get in touch with our experts online or by visiting any of our GO outlets. 

About the Author

Nikoleta is one of GO's HR Managers. Her main focus apart from supporting her team's HR needs, is to find ways to promote the People of GO and all the amazing work they do, and ensure the employee experience is an unforgettable one. 


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