How 2020 Shaped GO’s Digital Future in Online Customer Experience - Part 1

We have to start by saying that 2020 has been very challenging and interesting in all sorts of ways. We had to quickly adapt in all the changes the global pandemic brought upon our company and the ways we interact with our customers, to ensure we continue providing an excellent service.

What little of us expected is the burst of innovation that would flood our people on how we can enhance our online customer journey and all the little improvements we could do to our systems to provide more value, control and visibility to our customers and how they interact with our website and mobile app.

Through these new series of articles, we are going to take you through a review of 2020 and some of our projects that really made an impact in the customer online experience and how our teams and technology impacted those projects. Grab your cup and read along.

We’re going to start with something fun that we’re sure you’ve seen on our social media, our first-ever Advent Calendar, one of our most successful initiatives of 2020. During December we wanted to reward our existing customers by launching an advent calendar with GO products. For 24 days we asked them to solve riddles so that they could win prizes, such as a 4K Android TV, GO Smart Wi-Fi pods, top-up cards, Movies and Series Pass subscription, mobile data and more.

This giveaway ran throughout December and made 24 of our beloved customers really happy with their gifts. We are extremely proud and humbled by the turnout this initiative had and it only makes us think harder on how to challenge you next year!

For this idea to be realised, a lot of teams came together and pinched in working efficiently to introduce this surprise to our customers. A total of 7 teams were all our Advent Calendar Ambassadors.

Another fun and rewarding project was the Treasure Hunt on our GO app. We introduced this idea in the yearly community gathering of ETIS, a non-profit association of the major telecommunications providers in Europe, and it received a lot of enthusiasm from the fellow attendees. Our goal was to engage our customers to explore the app and understand better its usability and all its features, especially the new ones that they might not have seen or used yet. How did it work? We hid an icon inside the app and the customers were asked to find it; once they did their details got submitted and we were able to randomly select winners.

Once again many teams supported this project and made it possible to come to life, all through their lens of expertise. Some of the teams are the Product Delivery Team, Technical Enterprise, Architecture Team, Front and Back End Developer Teams and Online & Marketing Team.

Closing this article, we would like to mention another innovation and improvement that really made an impact on the way we communicate with our customers. This year we introduced new Digital Channels of communication and right now we can be reached by a live chat on our website, through Facebook Messenger and on WhatsApp every day from 7 am till 11 pm. It can’t get more instant and direct than that, we also have a chatbot included on our channels that is always available to help our customers with their most common questions. 

All those multiple tools are merged into one channel with the help of Salesforce, a new customer relationship management solution, which makes the communication flow easier, efficient and better managed.

Once again the success of this initiative is because of the collaboration of many teams, who all contributed in their own way to share feedback on what can be improved and made this merge and new developments happen. What’s important to mention is the feedback received also from our internal users, which clearly showed that this project helped simplify their processes and assist them in the way they work and the experience they offer to our customers.

We hope the above information will shine a light in what our team has been up to lately and how we always strive to improve the experience our customers have when interacting with GO, not only through our fantastic agents online and in the outlets but in the apps too. Also, finding ways to reward our customers for their loyalty is close to our hearts and the success and engagement in our brand new initiatives has motivated us even more to find ways to surprise our audience. 

We are truly obsessed about what we do and want to offer our customers the best GO experience they can have, be it via an application or the friendly agent they will talk to.

Stay tuned for the second part of our journey, where we will talk about a few more of the enhancements we worked on during 2020 and how we are giving our customers more autonomy and flexibility.

About the Author & the Team

Helena is the Online Manager at GO with overall 9 years of experience in Online Marketing out of which over 5 are at GO. Together with the Online team, Digital teams & Customer Care Team, they are passionate about the online experience of our customers and they always look for ways how to make it better.

If you’re intrigued with our work and you want to be part of our innovative team, visit our careers page and join our team!


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