Say NO to Boredom! 7 Tips on how to stay entertained at home

Now that we are all being instructed to avoid any non-essential outings from our homes and to practice social distancing, many of us are developing mixed feelings about any upcoming holidays or days off work. The usual excitement of " YAY tomorrow is a public holiday!" is being replaced by thoughts of boredom and not knowing how to pass the time whilst stuck inside. So we thought of sharing with you some ideas of how you can keep yourself entertained and busy on a day off in the comfort of your home! Spring cleaning This one’s for my fellow organising-obsessed people! For me, nothing beats the feeling of de-cluttering and deep-cleaning those drawers, cupboards or wardrobes that don’t usually see the light of day. For those of you who are not too keen on spring cleaning, this might be the perfect time for you to fall in love with all things organised; because let’s face it, it’s a rare thing to have so much ‘free’ time on our hands. So make the most of it...