Rebooting your mindset. From assignment all-nighters, to days at the office.

Am I the only one whose original career plan went down the toilet? Don’t worry you can always re-write your sh*tty first draft, just like I did. Everyone’s got a plan…until someone punches you in the face. I think one of the most puzzling moments in my life (which I have many of) was choosing which course I should study at University. I still can’t understand how people can choose what they want to do in their life at the age of 15. It’s like having to choose between chocolate and vanilla ice-cream for the rest of your life. So I chose to study European Studies, and I had it all planned out. I thought of building my career around EU funding projects. Luckily, I had a taste of what this work would look like... and boy was I surprised. It’s not because it’s European Studies, but I literally had no chemistry with the subject. I have friends working in that field and they love it, but it was just not for me. Okay, so my plan at that point was that I had no plan. I had...