You Deserve to Unwind: Here are 5 Simple Tips on how to Heal and De-stress

Stress is the restless nights of sleep, thinking of your to-do-list as you toss and turn for the millionth time on end. It’s lying awake at 2am playing candy crush and all your worst fears coming to reality as you wake up from a nightmare where most of your management had the courtesy of joining. Stress is waking up tired, even though you are positive that you got a few hours’ sleep, as you count them in desperation on your fingers. Stress is wondering how to word an email properly, writing it three times over and reading it through triple the amount to make sure you didn’t mess up. You do not stop there... Oh no, you then go on your ‘sent mail’ in a complete panic to re-read it and ensure you sent it to the right person. Stress is refreshing your inbox repeatedly to see if this colleague replied to your email and convincing yourself that they must be busy and they will reply later. Stress is the lack of confidence in yourself and those around you, it’s creating problems i...