Don't let your mind get hijacked - Here's how to get sh*t done!

Do you ever find yourself in a position with just too much to do and not knowing where to start? Maybe the backlog after the Christmas holidays has got you banging your head against the wall? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! Yes, work can be stressful at times (or most of the time!), but there are several small habits that we can change to help boost our productivity and help us get more things done in a more structured and organised way… HOORAY!😁 Avoid multitasking (if you’re a guy, you can skip to the next tip…we all know you can’t multitask anyway) Although this may seem like a super-power in most cases, multitasking might not be helping your efficiency as much as you think it does. In fact, several studies have shown that attempting to do numerous things at once may result in a loss of productivity. Instead, although I know how tempting it is to do just the opposite, try to work on completing one task before moving on to another. For those of...