And there you were, thinking Engineering is just for men. Well, think again.

Celebrating women in Engineering - Here are 4 inspirational women in our organisation, also representing the other female Engineers at GO, who are seriously making it happen in the world of technology. At GO we are proud of our team of female Engineers who inspire us every day as they reach their personal heights together with their teams. Find out more about the story of these 4 women and their love affair with Engineering as they unravel their success in a male-dominated industry. Sarah Fenech , describes to us how from a young age she used to dismantle toys to feed her curiosity about how things work. Today, a Systems Specialist, Sarah describes how she finds her job ‘interesting since she is able to work on different platforms and technologies, broadening her knowledge’ . From a very young age, I was always interested to understand how things worked, in fact, I must admit that I might have broken some of my toys trying to dismantle them! This also led me to c...